piątek, 21 marca 2008

Jessica Biel Goes Back To Brunette


Lattrice dellazzurro of powder has been spotted outside today more in advance payment, wandering the dog in its vicinity of . After several months of being a blonde of platinum for a film role, has exchanged of new to its natural locks of the brunette. According to the relationships of the study, " Nailed" it is a satira political in which - of (Biel) - the provincial one assured of the receptionist it does not go on one crossed to Washington to fight for the rights of the " bizzarro injured" and it meets a member of the immorale Conference (Gyllenhaal).. In the relative news, recently it has been announced that in half-April, Jessica will be directed to Carolina of the full sun South in order to begin the " of the execution; Nailed" with lattore of Jarhead.

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