piątek, 28 marca 2008

Writer Jack Trevino On Of Gods And Men Phase Ii And New Star Trek Movie

New Star Trek Movie 2008

Impulse Di SciFi: It is of the dii and the men approximately l extinction? Jack Trevino: Partially, I have always thought that the character of Harriman captain has not been never given l occasion to indicate that it was not in charge of the dead women of Kirk s. Abrams Star. I have thought that one if the fans considered its character who the sense, thus the other characters of travel. L impulse of Ski Fi has sent un exclusive interview with of Co-producer of the men and the dii, in which talks approximately the popular film of the fan, the new travels (now phase II) smazza the series and the film of travel of the J.J. Here they are little pieces. Our history would on condition elevate its character of the hero - something that moreover thought era of right for the character. I hope that OGaM gives to a new public and a new fan to it base.. Consequently, it would have to be given the probability to turn out that he was material of the fleet of the star.

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