piątek, 21 marca 2008

One Partner Not Enough For Polyamorists Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton

You could call the disposition "." Or you could call them from the relative name just: polyamory. And both are RIGHT with it. The situation of relationship of "Tildas is exactly like the relationships of much people that I know, " it says lattivista polyamory . Thats the practical one of having more to love one, the intimate relationship to the time with the complete acquaintance and of the consent of all in issue. But people were curious approximately its date. Both the men know approximately to vicissitude. When has gained actress of support the better Oscar for ", " here wasnt too much they speak about that planner was carrying. Swinton, 47, capacities along 29-year-old , an actor and artist who has come to contact of while contamination "." In no place in sight it was playwright , 67, its twin husband and father of she. "Except for the reputation and the money.".

2 komentarze:

Ariadna pisze...


I've seen this post related to Tilda Swinton, and I'd like to know if the girl in the picture is her or not.

We're arguing in facebook about the subject and I'd be please if you could confirm that she is the one in the pic that made an exhibition called the maybe in London.

Thanks a lot!!


Niall O'Brien pisze...

HI! The picture is of a Russian boy in fact. Shot by Sam Taylor - Wood.